Card author:
In the fourteenth century the walls of Soriano were built, equipped with four doors, the main one of which was Porta del Ponte. originally the gate was surrounded by a moat and equipped with a drawbridge; in the eighteenth century modifications were made to further embellish the building; destroyed a cause of the 1944 air raid, it was rebuilt maintaining the previous forms: the current layout shows the appearance of the one built in 1903 on a project by Angelo Santocchi.
Info: Municipality of Soriano nel Cimino, piazza Umberto I n. 12, tel. 0761742235, fax 0761742252,
ProLoco of Soriano nel Cimino
Piazza Umberto I
01038 – Soriano nel Cimino (VT)
Tel/Fax 0761.746001 –
Agostino 334.7596098 Roberto 331.3651414 Fausto 340.3609305
In the fourteenth century the walls of Soriano were built, equipped with four doors, of which the main one was Porta del Ponte. Initially the gate was surrounded by a moat and equipped with a drawbridge; in the eighteenth century modifications were made to further embellish the building; destroyed due to the air raid in 1944, it was rebuilt maintaining the previous forms: the current layout shows the appearance of the one built in 1903 on a project by Angelo Santocchi.
At the entrance to the bridge, next to which there is a fountain, there are two marble statues: on the right side is the figure of Saint Eutizio, on the left the Virgin and Child. The sculptures, dating back to the eighteenth century, rest on two cylindrical Roman areas, also in marble, decorated with floral festoons in relief, placed here on the occasion of the inauguration of the city cathedral. The arch, consisting of ashlar blocks of peperino, is surmounted by the coat of arms of the Albani house and by a plaque commemorating the episode of the bombing, on which we read: “This ancient city gate, already enlarged and embellished in 1737 by initiative of the Sorianese Community, later destroyed in the air raid of 5.6.1944, it was rebuilt by the State in the year 1949 ”. Beyond the entrance you reach the village, with alleys that alternate medieval, Renaissance and Baroque houses. The arch inside is finished in peperino.
D’ARCANGELI V., Monumenti archeologici e artistici del territorio di Soriano nel Cimino e delle zone limitrofe, Soriano nel Cimino (Vt) 1967.
D’ARCANGELI V., Soriano nel Cimino nella storia e nell’arte, Viterbo 1981.
Soriano Turistica, a cura dell’Associazione “Pro-Soriano”, Soriano nel Cimino (Vt) 1970.